Stuck in the Messy Middle of Life?

Feeling like something’s missing?

Let’s find it together.

Are you:

Feeling stuck or overwhelmed in the middle of life’s changes and transitions?

Uncertain of your path or confused about your next step?

Struggling with a loss of purpose, or a sense of no longer knowing what you really want?

The truth is:

Life’s too short to put up with anything – from a draining career or toxic relationships to constant low moods or negative thought patterns – that doesn't feel meaningful and joyful to you.

I’m here to help you turn life's messy middle into a juicy opportunity for reinvention.

Hi, I’m Rachel.

I've navigated many transitions myself, and over the years I’ve become somewhat of an expert in handling life's changes.

I've changed careers five times, relocated numerous times, and navigated the loss of loved ones, friendships and a relationship I’d hoped would last a lifetime. All these experiences have fuelled my passion for helping others through their own transitions.

I believe everyone deserves a life filled with purpose and joy. Through coaching, I’ll help you navigate through the many twists and turns of midlife, reframing this as a golden opportunity to redefine and reinvent yourself.

Midlife is not a crisis (even if it might sometimes feel like one!)

Although it sometimes feels like everything’s falling apart, this is an opportunity to understand who you really are.

And to create a life rich in meaning, purpose and joy.

Ways of working with me


I work with people who are looking for their own unique answer to questions like:

  • Who am I? How can I be more myself, more authentic, more whole?

  • What should I be doing with my life? What do I really care about?

  • How can I make more of an impact? How can I better use my skills and strengths?

  • How can I experience more joy and satisfaction?

It takes time to explore questions like this, so I work with people for a minimum of 3 months, meeting weekly or fortnightly.

My coaching focuses on somatics and narrative, which means we’ll focus inward on the wisdom of your body and what it is telling you, as well as examining the stories you currently tell to yourself and about yourself – and what new stories may be trying to emerge.

I’m based in the UK near Stroud, and sessions are offered online via Zoom, or (by arrangement) in-person in London and the South West.

3, 6 or 12 month packages from £2222 | Book a call about coaching

Psychedelic integration

I am a qualified and experienced integration coach, certified by the Psychedelic Coaching Institute and vetted by Third Wave. Integration coaching is a specific form of support which helps you prepare for, navigate, and integrate a psychedelic experience.

Learn how to prepare, set your intention, minimise risks, and approach integration in a way that maximises positive impacts and enables you to translate insights from altered states into embodied new traits.

Bespoke packages from £1888 | Book a call about integration coaching


There’s a lot of misinformation about microdosing out there that encourages a belief that sub-perceptual doses of psychedelic substances act as some sort of magic ‘happy pill’, or ‘productivity pill’.

What microdosing often actually does is to make you more aware of the areas of your life that need addressing (and that you might have been ignoring, neglecting, or distracting yourself from) – and give you a helping hand as you finally face up to them. It may be called ‘micro’, but when approached intentionally and supported with tailored practices, it can be life-changing.

As a certified psychedelic integration coach, I can help you create a personalised microdosing protocol to help you harness the power of psychedelics to support whatever changes you are looking to make.

8 weeks from £800 | Book a call about microdosing

Initial consultation

Not sure what’s right for you, or want to find out more? Book a call to explore how we could work together.

45 minutes | Book a discovery call

What people say

What the hell is happening in midlife, anyhow?

In the first half of life we are often outward focused, thinking of life as a series of goals. School, university, first job, first flat, promotion, marriage and maybe kids, upgrade the house, upgrade the car… it’s all going swimmingly.

But suddenly, not so much. It might hit us all of a sudden, or it might have been creeping up on us for months or even years. But for most of us we’ll reach a point when we ask ourselves, Is this it?

Things fall apart. It’s not happy ever after, after all.

Like the Talking Heads song, you might find yourself wondering How did I get here?

The more interesting question, perhaps, is Where do I go from here?

It may feel deeply uncomfortable, but it’s actually a sign of growth.

Carl Jung described the purpose of the second half of life as the ‘Great Work’: an alchemical journey to become who you truly, authentically are.

What we call the ‘mid-life crisis’ is actually an invitation to turn inwards and connect with what really matters to you.

It’s an opportunity to take off the masks you’ve been wearing, stop playing roles you’ve outgrown, reclaim the parts of you that you’ve maybe neglected or denied, and finally become who you truly are.

To define life on your on terms.

He called this process individuation.

Good things are waiting for you.

Our modern way of life pathologises midlife as a time of crisis. But it’s actually an initiation - inviting us to look inside, understand ourselves better, and become whole.

People used to understand this as a normal rite of passage – but in modern society we’ve lost touch of the tools required to navigate this threshold, this inner space.

There’s so much to be gained by going through this process – a life with more meaning, deeper connections, more satisfaction.

My coaching is designed to help you unpack your life and decide what to let go of, what to keep, and what to move towards, as you create your new story.

What we call the beginning is often the end

And to make an end is to make a beginning.

The end is where we start from.

— T. S. Eliot, Little Gidding

My approach

  • Somatics

    Change happens through the body. It’s unsustainable and exhausting to try to change through cognitive effort alone – you need to get your nervous system working with you, not against you.

  • Story

    We live our life according to the stories we tell ourself and the stories we tell about ourselves. Compost the stories you’ve outgrown and become the author of the life you were born to lead.

  • Psychedelics

    Psychedelics can be a powerful tool for laying the past to rest and moving into a life of greater joy, creativity and impact. Learn how to reduce the risks and maximise the benefits of working with these substances.

“Those who do not regularly shed their psychological skin in order to become new again, become old before their time. Death-rebirth rituals allow us to re-emerge in the present, free to perceive without the veil of personal history that may dull your perspective and keep you from detecting the road ahead.”

Mikela and Philip Tarlow

Start your new story today

“All Transformation Takes Place in Liminal Space.

“The Latin word limen means “threshold.” Liminality is an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where people can begin to think and act in genuinely new ways. It is when we are betwixt and between, have left one room but not yet entered the next room, any hiatus between stages of life, stages of faith, jobs, loves, or relationships.  It is that graced time when we are not certain or in control, when something genuinely new can happen.  We are empty, receptive, an erased tablet waiting for new words.  Nothing fresh or creative will normally happen when we are inside our self-constructed comfort zones, only more of the same.  Nothing original emerges from business as usual.  It seems we need some antistructure to give direction, depth, and purpose to our regular structure.  Otherwise structure, which is needed in the first half of life, tends to become a prison as we grow older.”

– Richard Rohr